Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thing 13
                  The link above is a simple form that I set up using google drive. I just created a form asking who was planning on attending a museum field trip. If I were to actually send this form out, let’s say to parents of all my students, google drive also allowed the option to create a spread sheet for the responses that I received. This program would collects all forms, and analyze the data for me. That seems like a key time saver when it comes to organizing a field trip, chaperones for a dance, or even teachers who are working towards a goal together. A way in which my students could use google drive in the classroom could be through the google drive presentation application. I myself, could have used it in my class last semester. My group had a presentation in which we were going to make a power point. Everyone in the group lived at a minimum of thirty minutes from Austin Peay State University. If we were to have used the presentation collaboration, we could have worked on the website at our own homes. Since the others were uncomfortable with this technology, we spent time in the library after a three hour class, working on the presentation. This information would help my high school students who don’t have access to a vehicle to collaborate in the privacy of their homes. When looking at the Zoho applications, there seemed to be quite a bit more options than the google drive options. The options included more business features. For the classroom, I would prefer google drive since most students will already have a account set up for their smart phones. Also I feel it is important to show the students what they overlook in the websites they are already using.

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