Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thing 18

           One thing I learned from my observations in the classroom was how important it was to apply the technology in your classroom. The teacher I was with had a twitter account in which she posted everyday about what homework assignments were due the next day. When the students went home to get on the social websites, there were constant reminders for things that needed to be done. I have never had a twitter account, but I have often read websites about the twitter fueds that go on with celebrities. 
           There wasn’t much insight to be gained from joining this website. For me it was basic. People have so many characters to say something that they think is profound and then wait for the next jolt of inspiration. For me the hashtag search did not pull as many items as I thought it would. Most of my search pulled political icons like the US Department of Education. I know that I will use my twitter account to post homework for the day, and to ensure that my students follow the twitter account I will also post bonus questions throughout the week.

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